Uses of Class

Packages that use Node   

Uses of Node in

Methods in that return Node
 Node Map.addNode(Node node)
          Add a new node to the correct region.
 Node Region.addNode(Node node, boolean doCheck)
          Function to add a node to this region.
static Node MapHelper.findNearestNode(int x, int y, int maxDistance, long[] distance)
          Returns the nearest node to a given point.
 Node Street.getEndNode()
          Gets the end node of this street.
 Node[] Region.getMixZoneNodes()
          Returns all mix zone nodes in this region.
 Node Junction.getNode()
 Node[] Region.getNodes()
          Returns all nodes in this region.
 Node Street.getStartNode()
          Gets the start node of this street.

Methods in with parameters of type Node
 void Junction.addJunctionRule(Node startNode, Node targetNode, int priority)
          Adds a junction rule.
 void Region.addMixZone(Node node, int radius)
          adds mix zone at the location of "node" if no mix zone on this location already exists
 void Map.addMixZone(Node node, int radius)
          Add a new mix zone to the correct region.
 Node Map.addNode(Node node)
          Add a new node to the correct region.
 Node Region.addNode(Node node, boolean doCheck)
          Function to add a node to this region.
 boolean Junction.canPassJunction(Vehicle vehicle, int priority, Node nextNode)
          Returns if a vehicle may pass.
 boolean Junction.canPassTrafficLight(Vehicle vehicle, Street tmpStreet, Node nextNode)
          Returns if a vehicle may pass a Traffic Light.
 void Region.deleteMixZone(Node node)
          deletes mix zone at the node
 void Map.deleteMixZone(Node node)
          Delete a mix zone in the correct region.
 void Region.delNode(Node node)
          Delete a node.
 void Map.delNode(Node node)
          Delete a node from it's region.
 java.lang.String[] Region.getIntersectionPoints(Node mixNode, Region region12)
          Gets intersection points between mix-zone and streets.
 int Junction.getJunctionPriority(Node startNode, Node targetNode)
          Gets the priority for going over this node.
 void Region.prepareLogs(Node[] nodes)
          Method to prepare the log files.
 void Street.setEndNode(Node endNode)
 void Street.setStartNode(Node startNode)

Constructors in with parameters of type Node
Junction(Node node, Street[] priorityStreets)
Street(java.lang.String name, Node startNode, Node endNode, java.lang.String streetType, int oneway, int lanes, java.awt.Color displayColor, Region mainRegion, int maxSpeed)
          Instantiates a new street.

Uses of Node in

Methods in that return Node
 Node OSMNode.getRealNode()
          Gets a real node (node with coordinates in cm) associated to this node.

Uses of Node in vanetsim.routing

Methods in vanetsim.routing that return types with arguments of type Node
 ArrayDeque<Node> RoutingAlgorithm.getRouting(int mode, int direction, int startX, int startY, Street startStreet, double startStreetPos, int targetX, int targetY, Street targetStreet, double targetStreetPos, Street[] penaltyStreets, int[] penaltyDirections, int[] penalties, int penaltySize, int additionalVar)
          Gets a routing result.

Uses of Node in vanetsim.routing.A_Star

Methods in vanetsim.routing.A_Star that return Node
 Node A_Star_Node.getRealNode()
          Gets the "real" node in the map associated with this A*-specific node.

Methods in vanetsim.routing.A_Star that return types with arguments of type Node
 ArrayDeque<Node> A_Star_Algorithm.getRouting(int mode, int direction, int startX, int startY, Street startStreet, double startStreetPos, int targetX, int targetY, Street targetStreet, double targetStreetPos, Street[] penaltyStreets, int[] penaltyDirections, int[] penalties, int penaltySize, int additionalVar)
          Gets a routing result.
static A_Star_LookupTable<Node,A_Star_Node> A_Star_LookupTableFactory.getTable(int[] counter)
          Gets a LookupTable.

Methods in vanetsim.routing.A_Star with parameters of type Node
 A_Star_Node A_Star_LookupTable.get(Node key)
          Returns the value to which the specified node is mapped, or null if this map contains no mapping for the key.
 void A_Star_LookupTable.put(Node key, A_Star_Node value)
          Associates the specified value with the specified key in this map.

Method parameters in vanetsim.routing.A_Star with type arguments of type Node
static void A_Star_LookupTableFactory.putTable(int counter, A_Star_LookupTable<Node,A_Star_Node> table)
          Put back a LookupTable so that it can be reused.

Constructors in vanetsim.routing.A_Star with parameters of type Node
A_Star_Node(Node realNode, double f, int counter)
          Instantiates a new A_Star_Node from a node existing on the map.
A_Star_Node(Node realNode, int counter)
          Instantiates a new A_Star_Node from a node existing on the map.

Uses of Node in vanetsim.scenario

Methods in vanetsim.scenario that return Node
 Node Vehicle.getCurMixNode_()

Methods in vanetsim.scenario with parameters of type Node
 void Vehicle.setCurMixNode_(Node curMixNode_)