Interface RoutingAlgorithm

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface RoutingAlgorithm

An interface for routing algorithms.

Method Summary
 ArrayDeque<Node> getRouting(int mode, int direction, int startX, int startY, Street startStreet, double startStreetPos, int targetX, int targetY, Street targetStreet, double targetStreetPos, Street[] penaltyStreets, int[] penaltyDirections, int[] penalties, int penaltySize, int additionalVar)
          Gets a routing result.

Method Detail


ArrayDeque<Node> getRouting(int mode,
                            int direction,
                            int startX,
                            int startY,
                            Street startStreet,
                            double startStreetPos,
                            int targetX,
                            int targetY,
                            Street targetStreet,
                            double targetStreetPos,
                            Street[] penaltyStreets,
                            int[] penaltyDirections,
                            int[] penalties,
                            int penaltySize,
                            int additionalVar)
Gets a routing result.

mode - You can handle over a mode for the routing algo here. 0 must be implemented by every algorithm.
direction - 0=don't care about direction, -1=from startNode to endNode, 1=from endNode to startNode
startX - the x coordinate of the start point
startY - the y coordinate of the start point
startStreet - the street on which the start point lies
startStreetPos - the position measured in cm from the startNode of the startStreet
targetX - the x coordinate of the target point
targetY - the y coordinate of the target point
targetStreet - the street on which the target point lies
targetStreetPos - the position measured in cm from the startNode of the targetStreet
penaltyStreets - an array with all streets which have penalties.
penaltyDirections - an array with directions corresponding to penaltyStreets. 1 in the array means from endNode to startNode, 0 means both directions and -1 means from startNode to endNode
penalties - an array with all penalties measured in cm.
penaltySize - how many penalties exist.
additionalVar - an additional variable specific to the routing algorithm.
An ArrayDeque for returning the result. The first element will be the start node and the last will be the end node of the routing.