Public Member Functions | |
RSU (int x, int y, int radius, boolean isEncrypted) | |
void | sendMessages () |
void | sendBeacons () |
void | sendEncryptedBeacons () |
final void | receiveMessage (int sourceX, int sourceY, Message message) |
void | cleanup (int timePerStep) |
long | getRSUID () |
int | getX () |
int | getY () |
void | setRegion (Region region) |
Region | getRegion () |
int | getWifiRadius () |
int | getBeaconCountdown () |
int | getCommunicationCountdown () |
boolean | isEncrypted_ () |
KnownVehiclesList | getKnownVehiclesList_ () |
Static Public Member Functions | |
static void | setRegions (Region[][] regions) |
static void | setBeaconsEnabled (boolean state) |
static void | setCommunicationEnabled (boolean state) |
static void | setCommunicationInterval (int communicationInterval) |
static void | setBeaconInterval (int beaconInterval) |
static void | setBeaconMonitorZoneEnabled (boolean beaconMonitorEnabled) |
static void | setMonitoredMixZoneVariables (int beaconMonitorMinX, int beaconMonitorMaxX, int beaconMonitorMinY, int beaconMonitorMaxY) |
static boolean | isShowEncryptedBeaconsInMix_ () |
static void | setShowEncryptedBeaconsInMix_ (boolean showEncryptedBeaconsInMix_) |
Static Public Attributes | |
static ArrayDeque< Vehicle > | coloredVehicles = new ArrayDeque<Vehicle>() |
static RSU | lastSender = null |
static boolean | colorCleared = false |
A Road-Side-Unit to send and receive WiFi signals.
inline |
Instantiates a new RSU.
x | the x coordinate |
y | the y coordinate |
radius | the signal radius |
isEncrypted | if message is encrypted |
inline |
Cleanup all outdated messages
timePerStep | the actual time per step |
inline |
Gets the current beacon countdown
inline |
Gets the current communication countdown
inline |
Returns the region the RSU is placed in
inline |
Resets this rsu so that it can be reused. public void reset(){
reset countdowns and other variables communicationCountdown_ = 0; knownVehiclesTimeoutCountdown_ = 0; beaconCountdown_ = (int)Math.round(x_)beaconInterval_; communicationCountdown_ = (int)Math.round(x_)communicationInterval_;
reset communication info knownVehiclesList_.clear(); knownMessages_.clear(); } /*
/** Returns the Road-Side-Unit id
inline |
Returns the wifi radius
inline |
Returns the x coordinate of the RSU
inline |
Returns the y coordinate of the RSU
inline |
Receive a message from a vehicle.
sourceX | the x coordinate of the other vehicle |
sourceY | the y coordinate of the other vehicle |
message | the message |
inline |
Find vehicles in neighborhood and send beacons to them. Please check the following conditions before calling this function:
inline |
Find vehicles in neighborhood and send beacons to them. Please check the following conditions before calling this function:
inline |
send messages to all vehicles in reach. Uses broadcast, because vehicles cannot send beacons to the RSUs(often to far away)
inlinestatic |
Sets a new value for the beacon interval. Common to all Road-Side-Units.
beaconInterval | the new value |
inlinestatic |
Sets if beacon zones should be monitored or not. Common to all RSUs.
beaconMonitorEnabled | true to enable monitoring mix zones, else false |
inlinestatic |
Sets if beacons are enabled or not. Common to all Road-Side-Units.
state | true to enable beacons, else false |
inlinestatic |
Sets if communication is enabled or not. Common to all Road-Side-Units.
state | true to enable communication, else false |
inlinestatic |
Sets a new value for the communication interval. Common to all Road-Side-Units.
communicationInterval | the new value |
inlinestatic |
Sets the values for the monitored beacon zone. A rectangular bounding box within the specified coordinates is monitored if setBeaconMonitorZoneEnabled(boolean) is set to true
beaconMonitorMinX | the minimum x coordinate |
beaconMonitorMaxX | the maximum x coordinate |
beaconMonitorMinY | the minimum y coordinate |
beaconMonitorMaxY | the maximum y coordinate |
inline |
Sets the region the RSU is placed
region | the region |
inlinestatic |
Sets the reference to all regions. Call this on map reload!
regions | the array with all regions |
static |
flag to clear vehicle color
saves all colored vehicles