Package vanetsim.gui.controlpanels

Class Summary
AboutControlPanel This class contains the control elements for display of statistics and mix zone information
AboutDialog A credits dialog
AttackerPanel This class represents the control panel for editing attacker settings.
EditControlPanel This class creates all control elements used in the edit tab.
EditEventControlPanel The control panel for editing events.
EditLogControlPanel This class represents the control panel for adding mix zones.
EditOneVehicleControlPanel This class represents the control panel for adding vehicles by click.
EditSettingsControlPanel The control panel for changing some basic settings.
EditStreetControlPanel This class represents the control panel for adding, deleting and editing streets.
EditVehicleControlPanel This class represents the control panel for adding random vehicles.
LogAnalyserDialog A dialog to create,edit and delete vehicle type files.
MainControlPanel This class creates the control elements on the right side of the DrawingArea.
MapSizeDialog A dialog to set map parameters.
MixZonePanel This class represents the control panel for adding mix zones.
ReportingControlPanel This class contains the control elements for display of statistics and mix zone information
RSUPanel This class represents the control panel for adding Road-Side-Units (RSUs).
SilentPeriodPanel This class represents the control panel for adding mix zones.
SimulateControlPanel This class creates all control elements used in the simulation tab.
VehicleTypeDialog A dialog to create,edit and delete vehicle type files.