University of Hamburg
Department of InformaticsWorking group Security in Distributed Systems

How to repeat experiments


Note that this Tutorial is a stub and only provides basic information.

Publications using gMix should contain a link to a zip archive containing everything needed to repeat experiments. We provide links to those archives on the publications page.

How to assure repeatability of gMix experiments

We suggest you prepare a zip archive with the executable framework jar, source code, config files and a textual description of your experiment setup. We have uploaded such an archive for our ESORICS 2012 publication that might serve as an example. We will be happy to link your archive and/or paper on our website and motivate you to send us your custom plug-ins to include them on github!

See the tutorial overview on how to create portable version of the framework with your specific code.

Feel free to contact us on problems.

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New gMix VM and Tutorials are online [URL]

New version of gMix framework available on GitHub [URL]

New website is online

Paper accepted for Elsevier Computers & Security journal :-)

Experiment descriptions, executables and source code for the paper Workload Modelling for Mix-based Anonymity Services are online now [URL]

Paper about EncDNS accepted at ESORICS 2014 :-)

See more...